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After many years of being almost unnoticed, we are very grateful that that has changed rapidly. And it is a considerable change. First, we can mention a double-page picture in the Lonely Planet 2018, and in their 2019 edition, the Catarata Del Toro may show its beauty on the welcome page. Then we appeared in the German Stefan Loose travel book for the first time. Also, Catarata Del Toro starred in October 2019 in the United Airlines inflight magazine Hemispheres with a beautiful piece of text reserved for the Blue Falls of Costa Rica, ergo Las Gemelas. And last but not least, Moon Travel Guide 2020 has the Catarata Del Toro on the cover!

Besides all the above mentioned, you can see pictures of the Catarata Del Toro and the Blue Falls of Costa Rica worldwide in travel blogs and videos. We know that one photo won a worldwide contest. We have seen pictures of it above the check-in counters at SJO international airport. It appeared in Cataratas y Leyendas, a specific book about waterfalls in Costa Rica.

Travel blogs

Talking about travel blogs, two specific we want to bring to your attention. A Dutch-based one called ‘Reis junks’ and a very well-read Costarican based, English travel blog of great importance ‘Mytanfeet Travel Blog.’

Anyway, we are happy and grateful for all the above. And Catarata Del Toro and its surroundings and Blue Falls of Costa Rica with the seven blue waterfalls will show up in many more appearances shortly. So keep your eyes open, enjoy, and hopefully, see you soon.


Entertaining downloads of the Catarata Del Toro, Blue Falls of Costa Rica, building lots, and a few videos from the valley of Bajos Del Toro. Beautiful!

Catarata Del Toro – videos:  (7 files – 1,6 GB)
Catarata Del Toro – photos:  (138 files – 153,2 MB)

Blue Falls of Costa Rica – videos: (10 files – 4.1 GB)
Blue Falls of Costa Rica – photos: (39 files – 136.8 MB)

Building lots in Bajos Del Toro, close to the waterfall: (30 files – 1.6 GB)

The beauty of Bajos Del Toro:

1 out 5:      (4 files – 2.2 GB)
2 out 5:        (1 file – 2.8 GB)
3 out 5:             (1 file – 3.3 GB)
4 out 5:      (2 files – 2.8 GB)
5 out 5:       (2 files – 2.1 GB)

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